Peripheral Products


Storage - Magnetic Tape Drives Selection:

Name: 9865A Tape Drive
Product Number: 9865A
Introduced: 1972
Division: Calculator Products
Original Price: $1750
Catalog Reference: 1973, page 484
Donated by: John Geremin, Megatronics Australia.


The 9865A was a modular, cassette tape storgae peripheral for the 9800 Series of computer/calculators. The 300 foot cassettes (P/N 9162-0050) had a storage capacity of 48,000 program key strokes. Tape search speed was 130 feet per minute. The 9830A will interface directly to the 9865A using the 9865A interface cable. The 9810A and 9820A require additional ROMs to interface to the 9865A.

The tape drive mechanism for the 9865A and the 9830A was made by International Computer Products of Dallas Texas.

Collector's Note:

These tape drives have not held up well over time. Only about a third of the units at the museum work. Many standard audio cassette tapes will work in this drive. 60 minute tapes are best. In order for the tape to be readable, the plastic housing that faces the read head must be white. Brushing white out over this part of the housing will make the tape readable.

The biggest problem with the old tape drives is that they physically slow down over time. This is due to the degradation of the photoresistor in the tape sensing circuit. Rik Bos has figured out how to fix this problem with modern components. Please click the "Product Documentation" link below to read Rik's paper on fixing this problem.

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