Peripheral Products
Emulators/Protocol Analyzers Selection: |
Name: 64100 Logic Development System | |
Product Number: 64100A | |
Introduced: 1979 | |
Division: Colorado Springs | |
Original Price: $24875 | |
Catalog Reference: 1980, page 132 | |
Donated by: George Schnurle, Santa Clara California |
Click here to see the 64000 appear briefly in an article about RISC computing on the Silicon Valley TV program "Computer Chronicles" in 1986. (10 seconds, 850 KB).
The museum has a collection of software available for download for the 64000. Click here.
Bitsavers has a very comprehensive collection of manuals for the 64000.
Collector's Notes:
Almost all 64100A computers suffer from "screen mould". The displays on these items usually have a few (or are covered by) spots. These spots aren't actually mould, but are caused by the degradation of a layer of glue that secures a glass plate to the CRT. A procedure for fixing this problem is outlined on the 9835 page.
As of 2014, the museum had three of these computers in house, one of which had never been unpackaged. Each of our units has the dual floppy configuration. One of our units blew a fuse on power up. This ended up being caused by two problems. The filter plug that the power cord plugged in to had failed and was replaced. Also, the three wires that power the middle fan are twisted around each other. The insulation had rubbed off on two of the wires and created a short. The disc drives on two of the units were also bad, including the unit that had never been unboxed. One of the drive sets never worked for us. The other faulty drive set gave intermittent seek errors. Other than the above problems, the three units worked fine. The internal control boards, power supplies and screens were all fully functional.
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