Peripheral Products
Storage Selection: |
Name: 9880 Disc Drive | |
Product Number: 9880 | |
Introduced: 1973 | |
Ad: Click to see | |
Original Price: $12995 | |
Catalog Reference: 1975, page 535 | |
Donated by: Australian Computer Museum Society |
The 9880A was a bundled mass storage system for the 9830A. It included an external hard disc (removable - P/N 9867A), power supply, interface cable, controller (11305A) and ROM (11273B). The 9867A was a itself a bundled part number that included the 7900A disc drive with its external power supply (13215A). The 9880A hard a storage capacity of 2.4MB. The 9880B was introduced in 1974. It's disc subsystem included both a removable and a fixed hard disc. It's total storage capacity was 4.8MB.
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