Technical Desktops
Handheld Selection: |
Name: 3421A Data Acquisition Unit | |
Product Number: 3421A | |
Introduced: 1982 | |
Division: Loveland | |
Original Price: $1285 | |
Catalog Reference: 1983, page 44 |
The 3421A was an HP-IL interfaced data acquisition/control unit. It was developed for connection to HP-41 handheld calculator (and later to the HP-71B). The 3421A also offered an optional HP-IB interface ($220) for connection to HP computers, usually the HP-85. The 3421A also offered an optional battery for remote operation.
The 3421A scanned up to 30 channels measuring DC and AC voltage. Three options were available including: 10-channel multiplexer ($290), breadboard assembly ($59) and 8-bit digital I/O assembly ($290).
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